Week 13 | Trust the Universe | Keep Calm and Carry On

Something new... a video:


DelicousD said...

Amy, You're awesome. My partner and I have just been talking about how when synchronicity happens, we can use that as a guide. For me, I often think about it as life flow- a path of least resistance- what happens when you are aligned with the universe (your purpose & life path in sync). It seems like we have all the BIG things happening all at once, like where to live, whether or not to put an offer on this house or that, job searching, etc. And we're so often taught that one MUST come before the other, however we're feeling them all come together at once but not necessarily in the order we'd feel most comfortable with. But signs of synchronicity as so blatant that it's giving us the confidence to move forward, taking risks, so we can accept what the universe offers (what we've asked for and are creating). Aka. Keep Calm and Carry On *Thanks! Just another synchronicity moment you've given us. We'll do just that. love, Della

DelicousD said...

PS. Nice shirt! and excellent video!

bamma said...

Love the video, love the shirt, love you!!

Will try to live the saying on the shirt, as always.
~XO mom

Molly Moran said...

Talk about synchronicity...just had a chance to sit down and listen to this "vlog" and about peed my pants (this could be quite true in my current state.) Your t-shirt happens to have been one my my own mantras for the past 6 weeks. In fact right before I read the blog my fabulous momma sent me a package with a necklace engraved with the same line. Life is quite mysterious huh? Best to you dear Amy! Keep it up.