Some things that have been making me laugh..

One of the greatest things my wonderful husband has taught me is that humor does not have to be at the expense of someone else. He's also probably the only really, really funny person I know who has the superhuman skill of being hilarious without ever, ever making fun of someone (other than a little self-deprecation from time to time).

Here is a great self-taken photo of him being funny, and this is one of many things that made me laugh out loud yesterday. (A little background, the book he's reading just came out and they asked readers to send in photos of themselves reading it.)
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And, although it goes against Brian's philosophy entirely, I can't help myself. Awkward Family Photos is always good for a laugh. (Especially this one and this one and this one.) Here are a couple of my own awkward family photos for your enjoyment. (Pardon the graininess - these were made from old slides. And to my relatives, I apologize for posting without your permission, but am sure the laugh you'll have will make up for it.)

1 comment:

brian said...