I cannot stop thinking about Haiti. I feel heartbroken, helpless. I feel tiny. Like this blog project is nothing compared to what I need to be doing to help humanity. The tragedy and the desperation in Haiti are overwhelming and it will all swallow me whole if I let it.
I am thinking about what I tell my clients when things get too big. Feel your feet on the floor. Take some deep breaths. Notice the small things in life. Enjoy something tiny that makes you feel safe, happy, connected and loved. You can only be/do so much, and doing one small, simple, loving thing is a great act. I am trying to tell myself this now. Instead of being paralyzed by the situation in Haiti, do something small. Make a donation to an organization that is there on the ground. Hold Gavin just a little tighter and tell him one extra time how much I love him. Do one kind thing for another person on this Earth.
That's it. I knew that if I typed long enough I'd come up with an action. I'm going to finally, properly thank Sandy. Sandy helped me when I locked my keys in my car a couple months ago. After assuring me that she wasn't going to be late for work if she stopped to help me, she called her boss to say that she'd be late, then drove me to pick up a friend of hers, a mechanic, who we brought back to my car to get the keys out. Just like that. Without a thought about her own needs in that moment, she did a small, kind, loving thing for a total stranger. Sandy told me how she lost a baby about a year ago, a loss I cannot imagine. There's the universe again, reminding me to focus on my gratitude for having my son, and my life. And even with the unspeakable sadness that must sit within you constantly after a loss like that, this woman was kind enough to put a stranger first. You can't tell me it's not a beautiful world, even with the tragedy and the overwhelming sadness. So, this week, I think my intention will be to act kindly in small ways. If I am able to do one small, kind thing every day this week, I cannot be swallowed whole. I can be part of the goodness that is.
As for week 2, life got in the way a little this past week, but I still pulled it off. Good thing I said "call" and not "talk to" three old friends. And I will be putting the letters in the mail Tuesday due to the holiday tomorrow. Hm. Maybe I owe the Precclampsia Foundation $5 this week. Yes. That seems fair. Anyone else out there making weekly intentions? Leave a comment! Let me know you're here!
One thing this project drives home is just how fast a week flies by in my life if I let it. I'm hoping with my daily intentions that I can be more conscious and aware this week.
Week 3
Mantra: It's the small things.
Action: Do one small, kind thing every day.
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