Week 6 | Start with Love

I had a really busy weekend and am running a little late with this post. {By the way, I presented an art-based workshop at the Illinois Art Therapy Association's annual conference on working with intention. Our careers are a great place to apply intention!}

Last week's intention and action seemed simple, kind of like a cheat week, but it was really hard! I'm so accustomed to turning on NPR when I'm in the car, and had to really be intentional when I got behind the wheel to put a CD in. I was really good about putting on Itunes or pandora or something every chance I got at home. My biggest challenge was that I cannot think straight when music is on and I'm trying to do work, so my life was not as music-filled as I was hoping because it was a really busy work week. Also, my husband reminded me about being able to use lastfm through our tv. (Maybe through the Xbox? I don't even know.) It was great and you can create channels like you can on pandora. I think I'm really going to pursue last week's action throughout the year! We'll see if I can remember...

As for this week..

By this morning, I hadn't yet come up with my intention for the week. Then my two-year-old, noticing the heart on my t-shirt, said, "Mommy start with love." He's a genius. ;) There it is. This week's intention, and action all-in-one! Hopefully I'll have great stories when I post next week since this one is more ethereal...

Week 6
Mantra: Start with Love
Action: Start with Love

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