I first discovered this poster during my first visit to a campus bookstore. I was attending a basketball camp at Bradley University in 1990. It's so funny now, but walking into that bookstore was a mind-opening experience. Growing up in Peoria, Illinois, disconnected from the kind of artsy, magical, progressive kinds of things I've always been drawn to, I was psyched to discover that one could find such cool things on a university campus. And we had one of those in our town! Anyway, I hung this very poster with love in every single room I lived in from 8th grade through grad school. Over the years, I also followed the artist/author who made it, SARK, reading many of her books, and then actually got to meet her (with Mere!) in San Francisco 10 years after my discovery of her poster. I have the thing memorized and I find myself over and over thinking of lines from this poster. One that I often find myself mentalizing is "Imagine Yourself Magic."
And then I was jogging at Palmer Square the other day and I literally ran across this written in the golden leaves of this beautiful season:
I love it when things like that happen. I feel as though the universe just opens up and sends me messages straight from the cosmos. "Yes, universe," I say, "I have not been imagining myself magic enough lately. Thank you."
Week 43
Mantra | Imagine Yourself Magic
Mantra | Imagine Yourself Magic
Action | Conjure Up Something You Want to Invite into Your Life
You can call SARK's "inspiration line" to listen to an uplifting message, if you'd like:
415 546 3742
(Don't worry. It's just a regular voice mail.)
Here are some of my favorite bits from her current message:
Little by little, you will turn into stars.
Question to ask yourself: Am I resisting this? Or allowing this?
There are more things to learn about than feeling good. So many good things grow in the dark.
"If you don't become the ocean, you'll be seasick every day." -Leonard Cohen
Amy! I always think of you when I see that poster or Sark work. You are magic.
MAGIC in the leaves...so beautiful! have had that poster on my wall for almost 20years! thank you always for sharing your inspiring and comforting thoughts Amy.
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