Happy New Year of Positive Intention!

Thank you so much for all of your love and support with my blog last year! Your end-of-the-year emails and comments warmed my heart and validated my intent to share this journey with others.

Writing this blog last year was so positive and helped me feel so connected to you, to myself, and to my constant quest for mindfulness. I want to continue on into this new year with a few tweaks. I realized a couple months into my first year of blogging about positive intention that having a new focus every week was just too much. I didn't get to really engage in the mantras and actions every week and often felt rushed. So this year, I will choose one theme for each month. I also felt my right-brained-ness struggling with the structure of weekly posts and having mantras and actions. I need a more free-flowing, creative approach, so that's what will happen this year. (Whatever that will be..) I loved that part of the blog was about donating to the Preeclampsia Foundation and I appreciate those of you who donated (to PF or to your own cause) along with me. I do want to make charitable giving an ongoing part of this blog, so will include that on a monthly basis as well as opposed to just being something I do when I don't post or follow through with an action. I hope you will come along with me again this year, and I also encourage you to interact more in the comments section. I'd love your ideas for monthly themes - either something you would like to see repeated from last year or something new. Also, I would love to have some guest bloggers this year! Step forward any time!!!
I'm officially starting tomorrow, or sometime this week. ;)

Happy New Year!

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